Looking to make some extra cash out of your Pinterest account? Then this blog post is exactly what you need. Making extra cash has never been so much easier on Pinterest, all you have to do is to create your Pinterest account if you don't have one and if you already have an account then that's settled. What you should know is that making money on Pinterest is not an overnight it takes time, dedication and also putting in alot of work in your pins that you create. And remember that you need to know your niche and by that you'll know which kind of pins you should upload. Keep everything real and organic as much as possible in order to avoid uploading pins that are similar to what's already on Pinterest. Okay, now that you've established your niche it's also advisable that you share your pin links to your other social media pages it might be your Facebook, Reddit, Twitter and many others. Now head to Google and find the best e-commerce platform and bu...